EB-5 Heading for an Omnibus..?

Oct 25, 2017 | Blog

With only six weeks of the current Continual Resolution remaining before the December 8th deadline, speculation is rife as to what will happen to the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Programme. Here at Greengate Business Associates, we assume that either another CR will be put into place and presumably, the further (temporary) extension of the EB-5 Programme will be included, however, an omnibus bill is also being discussed, that could aid the continuation of the EB-5 Programme through the legislatory arm without appropriations.

One point of concern that has already been raised is the investment difference required for rural areas, or Targeted Employment Areas (TEAs) as opposed to high employment areas, which currently stands at $500k to $1M respectively; the changed Programme would require a $925,000 investment in a TEA and a $1,025,000 investment in a high employment area – a difference of only $100k, compared to the existing $500k.

This article from the National Law Review goes in to the issue in greater detail and cites many of the GOP Senators concerned.